A deftly written and thought-provoking book that will stick with you long after the last page is turned.
Quincy Miller has spent the past twenty-two years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He had no lawyer and no advocate until he wrote a letter to Guardian Ministries, a small innocence group based in Savannah, Georgia which handles only a few wrongful conviction cases at a time. Cullen Post, one of the founders of Guardian Ministries is a lawyer, and minister who travels the South investigating the evidence in innocence cases, and he has agreed to take Quicy’s case.
Quincy had been accused of murdering a young lawyer named Keith Russo. Russo was shot at his desk, while working late one night. The killer left no clues and no witnesses behind. But Quincy was framed, convicted and sent to prison for life for Russo’s murder. Powerful people murdered Russo and they will do whatever it takes to keep Quincy from getting exonerated. But Cullen Post will go anywhere and do whatever it takes to get Quincy’s name cleared.
“In at least half of the DNA exonerations of innocent men and women, bad forensics have been the cornerstone of the prosecution’s evidence.”
THE GUARDIANS is a wrenching look at injustice in the legal system. I loved this book and could not stop myself from inhaling the pages. It reminded me of some of Grisham’s early legal thrillers.
Cullen Post’s character, who is based on a real person, was delightfully well developed. You will admire his dedication and diligence as well as his sensitivity and tirelessness in his efforts to clear Quincy’s name.
John Grisham’s writing is seamless and the story is compelling. He deftly captures the mood, the sense of urgency and the injustice of the wrongly convicted. You will feel the angst and the helplessness of both Quincy and Cullen. One of my favorite and funniest part of the book is when Cullen and Frankie, another Guardian Ministries employee, who had previously been exonerated, had quite an adventure in a haunted house.
THE GUARDIANS really makes you stop and think of the many men and women who have been wrongly convicted and are still serving time for crimes they did not commit. How many cases would and could be easily overturned by the DNA technology available today. Who will take up their cause? Who will fight for them as hard as Cullen fought for Quincy. This is the kind of thought-provoking book that will stick with you long after the last page is turned.
THE GUARDIANS is John Grisham 40th novel, and there is no doubt that the man can write a good story. His inspiration for this book came from two sources. Cullen Post’s character is based on Jim McClosky of Centurion Ministries in New Jersey, while the plot for The Guardians is based on the true story of Joe Bryan who was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife in Texas. I listened to this compelling book on Audible and immensely enjoyed the narration of the story by Michael Beck.
Publisher Doubleday
Published October 15, 2019
Narrated Michael Beck
Review www.bluestockingreviews.com
