A consuming read full of plot twists that will ensnare the reader.
Andrea is only a few minutes older than her brother Eli. They are not just siblings, but twins with a special bond. Andrea thought it was more like looking in a mirror, Eli was the shiny reflective side and she felt more like the dull rough side. Eli always seemed older to her. He was always one step ahead, the golden child, doing the right things and being a protective brother. But it turns out that he kept many secrets, and he told many lies. His lies lead to a guilty verdict for arson that killed his parents. He served thirteen years, but now he is free. And Andrea is worried. She knows about his lies and she is afraid she may now have to pay the price.
WHAT MY SISTER KNEW will grab you at the very start when Andrea wraps her car around a tree on dark and twisty road in the early morning hours of an April morning. And from that point on you will want to buckle your seat belt for a dizzying plot that will keep you guessing about what is going to happen next.
Author NINA LAURIN has plenty of tricks in her pocket, and she creatively provides a roadmap from the past to the present. You will need to pay close attention to keep track of a robust cast of characters and don’t blink or you might miss a turn or two. Laurin’s writing was nice and I liked how she incorporated excerpts from a book as well as the book’s author in the plot.
Author Nina Laurin Is a bilingual (English/French) author of suspenseful stories. She lives in Montreal, and has a BA in creative writing. Her first novel was Girl Last Seen. Thanks to Netgalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Nina Laurin for an advance reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher Grand Central Publishing.
Publication June 19, 2018.